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Freshman Class News and Information

We have completed 75% of the school year. Mrs. Harris and Mr. McAllister want to see success from each and every student at Southeast Tech and will continue to monitor student progress and assist whenever possible. To help freshmen with study skills, Mrs. Harris’s features, “Study Tip Sunday” and “Motivational Monday” in her Google Classroom. Many students will benefit from completing the assignments. Mrs. Harris’s Google classroom code is 6tz5gbk. Parents are welcome to join by sending a request by email to Mrs. Harris at

Here are some reminders for the quarter:

  • You can print your transcript through Infinite Campus

  • Dress code is still enforced as the weather gets warmer

  • Bring notes for absences within 3 days of the absence. Your future driver’s license is at risk if you don’t.

We encourage parents to monitor grades consistently through Infinite Campus. Parents who are concerned about grades should contact the teacher directly by email. Teacher email addresses are available online at  Please feel free to contact Mrs. Harris or Mr. McAllister with any concerns by phone or by email.

Thank you,

Mr. Brian McAllister, 9th Grade Administrator
Ms. Mikela Harris, 9th Grade Counselor


Transcripts:  January began a new semester and semester one grades posted on the students’ first high school transcript. Mrs. Harris and Mr. McAllister want to see success from each and every student at Southeast Tech and will continue to monitor student progress and assist whenever possible.

Freshmen Google Classroom:  We urge all freshmen to join Mrs. Harris’s Google Classroom (Class code: 6tz5gbk) where information is posted specifically for freshmen featuring:

  • Study Tip Sunday – provides different methods to help students determine the best way to galvanize their study habits.

  • Motivational Monday – is meant to help students think about ways to reach their long term goals.

Grit:  One of the concepts we have been exploring is grit. Our freshmen are learning that struggle is part of growth and maturity. Some students are facing challenging classes for the first time. They are learning that they must work harder, do extra and power through to achieve acceptable grades. It takes grit to persist in the face of difficulty.

Again, Mrs. Harris’s Google Classroom code is 6tz5gbk. Parents are welcome to join by sending a request by email to Mrs. Harris at

Registration and Course Catalog:  Registration for next year’s course requests will begin on January 23. Students and parents should review the Course Catalog, (which can be found on the Resources tab of the website or by clicking here, between now and then to help decide which courses to request. The schedule for next year has not been finalized. We are only taking requests at this time. Actual placement is completed in the summer. We encourage parents to monitor grades consistently through Infinite Campus. Parents who are concerned about grades should contact the teacher directly by email. Teacher email addresses are available on the Faculty page.

Please feel free to contact Mrs. Harris or Mr. McAllister with any concerns either by phone or by email.

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