Junior Class News and Information – as of April 2017
Ms. White completed pre-registration with all juniors, and students received a copy for parents to review. Students who selected Honors, AP, or Dual Credit courses next year also received an additional AP/Honors/Dual Credit Contract to be signed by parents. Students are expected to return the yellow copies of both forms signed by parent/guardian to the 11th grade office. To request a schedule change, please email Ms. White at whiteab@nv.ccsd.net. The last day to request any changes is August 9, 2017.
All juniors took the ACT on February 28, as part of the CCSD graduation requirement. Students should receive their scores 5-8 weeks after the test. We recommend that students research college and university requirements to make sure that course selections and test scores match admissions expectations. Juniors should plan to take either the SAT or ACT in the spring of their junior year. Registration for each test is completed by visiting sat.org and act.org, respectively. We recommend that students take the ACT on June 10 (registration deadline May 5) or the SAT on June 3 (registration deadline May 9). Fee waivers are available in the Counseling Office for students who receive free or reduced lunch. Students must request a fee waiver prior to registering for the test.Please visit the Class of 2018 Google Classroom for resources to help prepare for the tests. Students may also visit the Career Center on campus for ACT/SAT study materials.
With senior year just around the corner, we want to prepare early. Southeast Tech will offer a Junior Parent Night on Thursday, April 20 at 6 p.m. in the Commons. We encourage students and parents to attend because we will be discussing important information to help get ready for senior year. The counseling department will also be hosting a Senior Summer Institute for students on June 13-15. Topics that will be covered during the workshop include college admissions requirements, essay writing, and paying for college. Students will also have an opportunity to speak with admissions representatives from UNLV, UNR, CSN, and NSC. The three day workshop will cost $25, which will be applied to senior fees if the student attends all three days. Please contact the Counseling Office for details.
Thank you,
Ms. Helen Money, 11th Grade Administrator
Ms. Amanda White, 11th Grade Counselor